
Errors 158 (+2) (-6)
Operator Autotrolej
Feed version 649248b505e8cc0d229825a97ec0975c
OSM sequence no 3459
Timestmap 2022-09-20T03:41:28Z

Created errors

Route Relation Error
30 OSM Relation 14596425 Contains unexpected tags: public_transport:version
30 OSM Relation 14596424 Missing required tags: from, to

Resolved errors

Route Relation Error
30 Missing route master relation
32 OSM Relation 1749048 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
32 OSM Relation 1749048 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
32 OSM Relation 1749048 Invalid tag [public_transport:version=1], expected [public_transport:version=2]
32 Missing route master relation
32 OSM Relation 1749048 Missing required tags: from, name, to