
Errors 122 (+0) (-8)
Operator Autotrolej
Feed version d0b575b5548c87cd87292c642e916acb
OSM sequence no 3462
Timestmap 2022-09-23T01:41:40Z

Created errors

No errors were created.

Resolved errors

Route Relation Error
21 OSM Relation 2035280 Invalid tag [public_transport:version=1], expected [public_transport:version=2]
21 OSM Relation 2035280 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
21 OSM Relation 2035280 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
21 OSM Relation 2035280 Missing required tags: from, name, to
34 OSM Relation 2031103 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
34 OSM Relation 14600791 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
37 OSM Relation 14603699 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
37 OSM Relation 2031289 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]