
Errors 112 (+112) (-112)
Operator Autotrolej
Feed version 55c790a040f28e72120367d0f74e230d
OSM sequence no 3464
Timestmap 2022-09-25T05:01:08Z

Created errors

Route Relation Error
1 OSM Relation 2024895 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 1: Bivio => Pećine Plumbum', actual name: 'Bus 1: Bivio => Pećine
1 OSM Relation 6520547 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 1: Pećine Plumbum => Bivio', actual name: 'Bus 1: Pećine => Bivio
10A OSM Relation 14587680 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 10a: Šoići => Paveki => Žurkovo => Rijeka', actual name: 'Bus 10A: Šoići => Paveki => Žurkovo => Rijeka
10A OSM Relation 14587680 Invalid tag [ref=10a], expected [ref=10A]
10A OSM Relation 2029948 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 10a: Rijeka => Žurkovo => Paveki => Šoići', actual name: 'Bus 10A: Rijeka => Žurkovo => Paveki => Šoići
10A OSM Relation 2029948 Invalid tag [ref=10a], expected [ref=10A]
11 OSM Relation 2030227 Missing required tags: from, name, to
11 OSM Relation 2030227 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
11 OSM Relation 2030227 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
11 OSM Relation 2030227 Invalid tag [public_transport:version=1], expected [public_transport:version=2]
11 Missing route master relation
12 OSM Relation 2030499 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
12 Missing route master relation
12 OSM Relation 2030499 Missing required tags: from, name, to
12 OSM Relation 2030499 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
12 OSM Relation 2030499 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
12A No OSM relations found
12B No OSM relations found
14 OSM Relation 2030719 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
14 OSM Relation 2030719 Missing required tags: from, name, to
14 OSM Relation 2030719 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
14 Missing route master relation
14 OSM Relation 2030719 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
15 OSM Relation 2030502 Missing required tags: from, name, to
15 OSM Relation 2030502 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
15 OSM Relation 2030502 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
15 OSM Relation 2030502 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
15 Missing route master relation
16 Missing route master relation
16 OSM Relation 2030567 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
16 OSM Relation 2030567 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
16 OSM Relation 2030567 Missing required tags: from, name, to
16 OSM Relation 2030567 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
17 No OSM relations found
18 OSM Relation 2033733 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
18 Missing route master relation
18 OSM Relation 2033733 Missing required tags: from, name, to
18A No OSM relations found
18B OSM Relation 2034935 Invalid tag [ref=18b], expected [ref=18B]
18B OSM Relation 2034935 Missing required tags: from, name, to
18B OSM Relation 2034935 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
18B Missing route master relation
18C No OSM relations found
19 OSM Relation 2035283 Invalid tag [public_transport:version=1], expected [public_transport:version=2]
19 OSM Relation 2035283 Missing required tags: from, name, to
19 OSM Relation 2035283 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
19 OSM Relation 2035283 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
19 Missing route master relation
2 OSM Relation 4851771 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 2: Trsat => Srdoči okretište', actual name: 'Bus 2: Trsat => Srdoči
2 OSM Relation 2025308 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 2: Srdoči okretište => Trsat', actual name: 'Bus 2: Srdoči => Trsat
20 Missing route master relation
20 OSM Relation 2035279 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
20 OSM Relation 2035279 Missing required tags: from, name, to
20 OSM Relation 2035279 Invalid tag [public_transport:version=1], expected [public_transport:version=2]
20 OSM Relation 2035279 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
21 Missing route master relation
22 Missing route master relation
22 OSM Relation 2032969 Missing required tags: from, to
22 OSM Relation 2032969 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
23 OSM Relation 14615596 Contains unexpected tags: public_transport:version
23A No OSM relations found
25 Missing route master relation
25 OSM Relation 2031387 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
25 OSM Relation 2031387 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
25 OSM Relation 2031387 Missing required tags: from, name, to
25 OSM Relation 2031387 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
26 OSM Relation 2031420 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
26 Missing route master relation
26 OSM Relation 2031420 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
26 OSM Relation 2031420 Missing required tags: from, name, to
26 OSM Relation 2031420 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
27 OSM Relation 2032334 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
27 OSM Relation 2032334 Missing required tags: from, name, to
27 OSM Relation 2032334 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
27 OSM Relation 2032334 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
27 Missing route master relation
27A No OSM relations found
29 OSM Relation 2032326 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
29 OSM Relation 2032326 Missing required tags: from, name, to
29 Missing route master relation
29 OSM Relation 2032326 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
29 OSM Relation 2032326 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
29A No OSM relations found
29B No OSM relations found
30 OSM Relation 2032457 Missing required tags: from, to
30 OSM Relation 14596424 Missing required tags: to
34 OSM Relation 14616836 Contains unexpected tags: public_transport:version
35 OSM Relation 14560579 Contains unexpected tags: public_transport:version
36 OSM Relation 2030842 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
36 OSM Relation 14601801 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
4 OSM Relation 4851815 Missing required tags: from, to
4A OSM Relation 5229476 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
4A OSM Relation 2027101 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
4A OSM Relation 4851816 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
5A OSM Relation 6522323 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 5a: Osječka - crkva => Tibljaši', actual name: 'Bus 5A: Osječka - crkva => Tibljaši
5A OSM Relation 6522323 Invalid tag [ref=5a], expected [ref=5A]
5A OSM Relation 2027962 Invalid tag [ref=5a], expected [ref=5A]
5A OSM Relation 6522323 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
5A OSM Relation 4851818 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
5A OSM Relation 2027962 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
5A OSM Relation 2027962 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 5a: Tibljaši => Osječka - crkva', actual name: 'Bus 5A: Tibljaši => Osječka - crkva
6 OSM Relation 2028705 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 6: Novo naselje => Podvežica okretište', actual name: 'Bus 6: Novo naselje => Podvežica
6 OSM Relation 4846847 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 6: Podvežica okretište => Novo naselje', actual name: 'Bus 6: Podvežica => Novo naselje
6 OSM Relation 2028705 Contains unexpected tags: public_transport
8A OSM Relation 2029104 Invalid tag [ref=8a], expected [ref=8A]
8A OSM Relation 6522086 Invalid tag [ref=8a], expected [ref=8A]
8A OSM Relation 2029104 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 8a: Jelačićev trg => Sveučilišna avenija', actual name: 'Bus 8A: Jelačićev trg => Sveučilišna avenija
8A OSM Relation 6522086 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 8a: Sveučilišna Avenija => Jelačićev trg', actual name: 'Bus 8A: Sveučilišna avenija => Jelačićev trg
8A OSM Relation 6522086 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
KBC OSM Relation 6521263 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
KBC OSM Relation 6521262 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus KBC: KBC Rijeka 3 (rodilište) => KBC Sušak 1 (glavna zgrada)', actual name: 'Bus KBC: KBC Rijeka => KBC Sušak
KBC OSM Relation 6521263 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus KBC: KBC Sušak 1 (glavna zgrada) => KBC Rijeka 3 (rodilište)', actual name: 'Bus KBC: KBC Sušak => KBC Rijeka

Resolved errors

Route Relation Error
1 OSM Relation 2024895 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 1: Bivio => Pećine Plumbum', actual name: 'Bus 1: Bivio => Pećine
1 OSM Relation 6520547 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 1: Pećine Plumbum => Bivio', actual name: 'Bus 1: Pećine => Bivio
10A OSM Relation 14587680 Invalid tag [ref=10a], expected [ref=10A]
10A OSM Relation 14587680 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 10a: Šoići => Paveki => Žurkovo => Rijeka', actual name: 'Bus 10A: Šoići => Paveki => Žurkovo => Rijeka
10A OSM Relation 2029948 Invalid tag [ref=10a], expected [ref=10A]
10A OSM Relation 2029948 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 10a: Rijeka => Žurkovo => Paveki => Šoići', actual name: 'Bus 10A: Rijeka => Žurkovo => Paveki => Šoići
11 OSM Relation 2030227 Missing required tags: from, name, to
11 OSM Relation 2030227 Invalid tag [public_transport:version=1], expected [public_transport:version=2]
11 OSM Relation 2030227 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
11 OSM Relation 2030227 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
11 Missing route master relation
12 OSM Relation 2030499 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
12 OSM Relation 2030499 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
12 OSM Relation 2030499 Missing required tags: from, name, to
12 OSM Relation 2030499 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
12 Missing route master relation
12A No OSM relations found
12B No OSM relations found
14 OSM Relation 2030719 Missing required tags: from, name, to
14 Missing route master relation
14 OSM Relation 2030719 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
14 OSM Relation 2030719 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
14 OSM Relation 2030719 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
15 OSM Relation 2030502 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
15 OSM Relation 2030502 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
15 Missing route master relation
15 OSM Relation 2030502 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
15 OSM Relation 2030502 Missing required tags: from, name, to
16 OSM Relation 2030567 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
16 Missing route master relation
16 OSM Relation 2030567 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
16 OSM Relation 2030567 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
16 OSM Relation 2030567 Missing required tags: from, name, to
17 No OSM relations found
18 Missing route master relation
18 OSM Relation 2033733 Missing required tags: from, name, to
18 OSM Relation 2033733 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
18A No OSM relations found
18B Missing route master relation
18B OSM Relation 2034935 Missing required tags: from, name, to
18B OSM Relation 2034935 Invalid tag [ref=18b], expected [ref=18B]
18B OSM Relation 2034935 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
18C No OSM relations found
19 OSM Relation 2035283 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
19 Missing route master relation
19 OSM Relation 2035283 Invalid tag [public_transport:version=1], expected [public_transport:version=2]
19 OSM Relation 2035283 Missing required tags: from, name, to
19 OSM Relation 2035283 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
2 OSM Relation 2025308 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 2: Srdoči okretište => Trsat', actual name: 'Bus 2: Srdoči => Trsat
2 OSM Relation 4851771 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 2: Trsat => Srdoči okretište', actual name: 'Bus 2: Trsat => Srdoči
20 OSM Relation 2035279 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
20 OSM Relation 2035279 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
20 Missing route master relation
20 OSM Relation 2035279 Missing required tags: from, name, to
20 OSM Relation 2035279 Invalid tag [public_transport:version=1], expected [public_transport:version=2]
21 Missing route master relation
22 OSM Relation 2032969 Missing required tags: from, to
22 Missing route master relation
22 OSM Relation 2032969 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
23 OSM Relation 14615596 Contains unexpected tags: public_transport:version
23A No OSM relations found
25 OSM Relation 2031387 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
25 OSM Relation 2031387 Missing required tags: from, name, to
25 OSM Relation 2031387 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
25 OSM Relation 2031387 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
25 Missing route master relation
26 OSM Relation 2031420 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
26 OSM Relation 2031420 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
26 OSM Relation 2031420 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
26 OSM Relation 2031420 Missing required tags: from, name, to
26 Missing route master relation
27 Missing route master relation
27 OSM Relation 2032334 Missing required tags: from, name, to
27 OSM Relation 2032334 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
27 OSM Relation 2032334 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
27 OSM Relation 2032334 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
27A No OSM relations found
29 OSM Relation 2032326 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
29 OSM Relation 2032326 Missing required tags: from, name, to
29 OSM Relation 2032326 Missing tag [public_transport:version=2]
29 OSM Relation 2032326 Relation not updated to [public_transport:version=2]
29 Missing route master relation
29A No OSM relations found
29B No OSM relations found
30 OSM Relation 2032457 Missing required tags: from, to
30 OSM Relation 14596424 Missing required tags: to
34 OSM Relation 14616836 Contains unexpected tags: public_transport:version
35 OSM Relation 14560579 Contains unexpected tags: public_transport:version
36 OSM Relation 14601801 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
36 OSM Relation 2030842 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
4 OSM Relation 4851815 Missing required tags: from, to
4A OSM Relation 2027101 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
4A OSM Relation 5229476 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
4A OSM Relation 4851816 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
5A OSM Relation 6522323 Invalid tag [ref=5a], expected [ref=5A]
5A OSM Relation 2027962 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
5A OSM Relation 6522323 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 5a: Osječka - crkva => Tibljaši', actual name: 'Bus 5A: Osječka - crkva => Tibljaši
5A OSM Relation 2027962 Invalid tag [ref=5a], expected [ref=5A]
5A OSM Relation 2027962 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 5a: Tibljaši => Osječka - crkva', actual name: 'Bus 5A: Tibljaši => Osječka - crkva
5A OSM Relation 4851818 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
5A OSM Relation 6522323 Missing tag [network=Autotrolej]
6 OSM Relation 2028705 Contains unexpected tags: public_transport
6 OSM Relation 2028705 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 6: Novo naselje => Podvežica okretište', actual name: 'Bus 6: Novo naselje => Podvežica
6 OSM Relation 4846847 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 6: Podvežica okretište => Novo naselje', actual name: 'Bus 6: Podvežica => Novo naselje
8A OSM Relation 6522086 Invalid tag [ref=8a], expected [ref=8A]
8A OSM Relation 6522086 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 8a: Sveučilišna Avenija => Jelačićev trg', actual name: 'Bus 8A: Sveučilišna avenija => Jelačićev trg
8A OSM Relation 6522086 Route broken, segments are not contiguous
8A OSM Relation 2029104 Invalid tag [ref=8a], expected [ref=8A]
8A OSM Relation 2029104 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus 8a: Jelačićev trg => Sveučilišna avenija', actual name: 'Bus 8A: Jelačićev trg => Sveučilišna avenija
KBC OSM Relation 6521262 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus KBC: KBC Rijeka 3 (rodilište) => KBC Sušak 1 (glavna zgrada)', actual name: 'Bus KBC: KBC Rijeka => KBC Sušak
KBC OSM Relation 6521263 Expected name based on tags: 'Bus KBC: KBC Sušak 1 (glavna zgrada) => KBC Rijeka 3 (rodilište)', actual name: 'Bus KBC: KBC Sušak => KBC Rijeka
KBC OSM Relation 6521263 Route broken, segments are not contiguous