Find a matching route variant for relation #6048323

Compares platforms defined in the OSM relation with matching GTFS trips.

The relation is compared to each distinct trip. Diffs with more elements in common are shown on top.

Relation 6048323 Bus 103: Britanski trg => Kraljevec [type=route] Load

Option #1, 174 departures

OSM platforms GTFS stops
104_22 Britanski trg peron 3 104_22 Britanski trg
414_23 Bolnica Goljak 414_23 Bolnica Goljak
415_23 Zelengaj 25 415_23 Zelengaj 25
416_23 II. Kraljevec 416_23 II. Kraljevec
417_23;417_24 Kraljevec
417_23 Kraljevec

Option #2, 174 departures

OSM platforms GTFS stops
104_22 Britanski trg peron 3
414_23 Bolnica Goljak
415_23 Zelengaj 25
416_23 II. Kraljevec
417_23;417_24 Kraljevec
417_24 Kraljevec
416_24 II. Kraljevec
415_24 Zelengaj 25
414_24 Bolnica Goljak
104_28 Britanski trg